Sunday, November 7, 2010

Gratitude Mission, Day 6: Say thanks for (or put some) fun in the mail

The 30 Thanks Gratitude Adventure

I rarely get meaningful snail mail anymore. It's kind of like an antiquated relic of the olden days it seems. The only thing I get in the mail are advertisements, bills, and very occasionally something from a relative.

That is except for the package I got in the mail a couple weeks ago.

It was a smallish box from the postal service which initially I was dumbfounded by because I couldn't think of anything Kim or I had ordered online recently.

It turned out to be a care package from the womens group at the Lutheran Church which my family is part of. It was actually the second one I had received from them although this one really surprised me because I expected it to be a one time thing, in fact my address had changed so they even took the time to track down my new address to send me another one.

The box was absolutely loaded with candy, snacks, and school supplies. They really went all out to spoil me. Although I'm not sure who ate more of it, me or my

Needless to say this was a very kind gesture, and I was grateful to receive it!

Thanks again, Ladies of the Luthern Church!

1 comment:

Marissa said...

I loved those boxes! I was always so touched by the obvious effort and care put into them. They arrived just in time to fuel the initial study sessions as we started heading into outline-and-make-flash-cards-to-prepare-for-finals time. Your post made me smile, remembering how excited I was when one of those boxes would show up. :)