Saturday, November 13, 2010

Getting up to Date (30 Thanks: Rapid Fire!)

The 30 Thanks Gratitude Adventure

Days 9-13

Thank an admin | Day 9 of 30thanks

Thank you to Clinic Administration at Bluffton Regional Medical Center. When I deliver pizza for Bluffton Pizza Hut, I very much enjoy going to Clinic Administration. Not only are they loyal and patient customers, but they always tip generously.

Thank A Parent & The Reason Behind the Gratitude Adventure | Day 10 of 30thanks

A hearty thank you to my biological parents for giving me a chance on this earth, and also to my real parents for giving me the life I have. I'm grateful to have been raised with with tender care and yet you let me figure out many things in life for myself. I know I can be a pain in the ass, but I love you both and thanks for continuing to put up with me.

Thank a Guardian | Day 11 of 30thanks

A couple weeks ago in my anthropology class the guy who sits behind me in class who's name is Terrence, went to the front of the room to do his show and tell presentation. The assignment was to explain something that represented our subculture, or ethnic culture.

The item he chose was an army combat helmet.

"This---he said, is a helmet... it protects your head." to which the class chuckled at his joke

He paused, and added "It is actually a replacement for my other one, which was damaged when we hit an I.E.D."

"I'm a medic...I wasn't even supposed to be the gunner that night, but my buddies had to sleep sometime too"

He paused and indicated he was finished.

There was an awkward silence that fell over the classroom as he walked back to his seat.

Up until that point I had no idea who Terrance was, just the guy who sits behind me..and I guess I still don't know him..

But at that moment, I was overcome with such a sense of gratitude for him. As I sat there I couldn't help but think that this person sitting next to me put his life on the line in some faraway country so I could have the opportunity to be in the anthropology class to begin with.

Thank you to Terrence, and every other person serving our country. sometimes I don't understand the reason our country fights, but there will never be enough said for those who take on that responsibility.

Counter a complaint with gratitude | Day 12 of 30thanks

Giving a lengthy segment of gratitude on this blog everyday is tough, especially when I'm lazy, but I'm grateful for this opportunity and to be a part of this interesting project.

Thank the last person who made you smile | Day 13 of 30thanks

That would be my dear roommate Kimberly, when I was pouring my coffee obnoxiously loud she said "Do you really have to do that"

To which I responded....

Why yes I DO!

We laughed


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