Friday, November 5, 2010

Thank someone who makes a loved one’s life better | Day 5 of 30Thanks

The 30 Thanks Gratitude Adventure

Perhaps I'll allow myself to cheat slightly with today's gratitude mission. Instead of thanking just one person I would like to thank several people.

Those several people are my parents neighbors, and even though I don't live with my parents anymore I still very much think of them as my neighbors too.

I think as my brother and I got older and eventually moved out it was really nice to know that our parents were in good company.

It is difficult for me to pretend I know every way that our neighbors effect my parents lives, but I know for sure that it is such a positive one.

The newest member of our neighborhood community is Diane, who rents the trailer behind my parents house. I know that Diane has been one of the best tenants my parents have ever dealt with. She does a wonderful job keeping her place nice and is always paying on time. Not to mention the most important thing which is that Diane opens her deck to friends once a week and I know my Mom really enjoys being invited and socializing with her "girls group" or whatever shes calling it.

Of course I can't forget our other neighbors Karen and Caleb and their little girl Mikayla which I probably butchered the spelling of. Karen and Caleb are a lot of fun and I know my parents just love having a little kid around again. They were always saying I grew up too fast.

And there is Les and Mary who live on the other side of us, who my parents have lived beside for a couple of decades if I'm not mistaken. Les and Mary are two of the most kind hearted people I've ever met. Mary and my Mom both have that love of taking care of animals that exceeds normal amounts of compassion. Mary takes care of the neighborhood stray cats by giving them food and water. Not to mention several of her own. Les on the other hand is handy-man extraordinaire. A locksmith by trade but really he can fix or build just about anything. I know my parents feel very grateful for his skills! And I should mention that I DO TOO!!

And there is Ilene across the street who despite having some health problems and losing her husband recently is always seeming to radiate that positive attitude and kindness which is such a great quality in a neighbor. I know my parents like having her next to them. Getting a wave and a smile from Ilene is one of those things that is just part of being home.

This assignment is a little difficult because I think it is sort of hard to speak for someone else, and unfortunately I probably missed a lot of important details about why our neighbors make my parents life better, but I'm certain that they mean a lot to my parents. I've heard my mom say on several occasions that she feels really great about the little community they have and I know what she means.

Being surrounded by our great neighbors is definitely one thing I miss about home.

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