Monday, November 5, 2007

Football: The Great American Drama

Hello All,

Sorry about my little hiatus,

My computer has been out of commission lately as I was in the process of upgrading my video card. Since I'm a PC gamer (Pause for laughter and nerd jokes) I have the wonderful pleasure of upgrading my video card more times than I change my underwear... JK JK :) But enough of this babble.

As many of you know one of the greatest match ups in Pro Football occurred Sunday as the Indianapolis Colts faced off against the New England Patriots. For those of you who don't know I'm a Colts fan. It was one of the most media hyped Football games to occur in recent memory. The Patriots were the media favorite, as they almost always have been. The won the game by a score of 24-20. Though I have my thoughts about how both teams performed, I do not intend for this post to be a rant, or even a description of the game.

As my family and I sat around the tube watching the game and eating delicious chicken quesadillas my oldest cousin asked "I don't see how people can get so into watching sports." I don't recall anyone responding to her. My girlfriend Kim often complains to me the same thought.

I think to answer that question I must first explain why I'm a Colts fan.

The first reason is simple. Ever since I was old enough to contemplate NFL Football the colts have been at least a decent team. Lets face it, Nobody wants to root for a team that sucks. It's far more interesting to watch a team that is good than a team that is bad. When I say a "good" team I don't even mean an all-star team. It just simply has to be a team that has the ability and skill to win games, and players that are interesting to watch. Of course the issue of being a "Bandwagon fan" could also be discussed here but thats another story. Becoming a fan is different than maintaining it.

The other and most important reason is because they are the Home Team. I used to like other Football teams but about 5 years ago I finally settled on the Colts as my favorite team primarily for this reason. The obvious reason to support the home team is the distance to the stadium. It's fun to watch a game in the stadium. NFL football is biggest American sporting event and fans prove that every week when they fill thousands upon thousands of seats and cheer till their throats are sore. It's awesome to experience that. The best part of rooting for the home team though for me is the sense of community I get. Football brings people together. Whether it's just a simple compliment for my Jersey at the Buffet Line, or getting together with Co-Workers to watch the game, there is something more than just the sport its self. When the Colts win I know I'm not the only person thats in a good mood. And just as they lose, I know I'm not the only person moping.

Football is an awesome sport. It is a sport that combines physical tenacity, with great skill. Unlike many other sports the Football season ends with a single game that carries more weight and bragging rights than any other sport in the U.S. It's also a long way to the top, and getting there for any team will always leave a great story.

The Game itself always leaves great stories. Stories like David Vs. Goliath, or Good Vs. Evil. It could represent the perseverance of the human spirit when a team makes a great comeback. Or the solidarity in accepting a close defeat. It is a game that can evoke so many emotions. There is no feeling like following a team all the way through the entire season to see them Win a super bowl. It's like watching a great movie, with every season game the plot evolves and deepens, and finally the movie finishes with an ending that lingers in your mind for days to come.

For these reasons I have come to love the game of Football for the Great American Drama that it is.

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