Monday, November 26, 2007

Post Thanksgiving update

So it's officially 2 days after Thanksgiving weekend as I write this, and I'm back on the blogging scene, watch out endless void that is the internet.

I suppose I should start with saying that I had a great Thanksgiving, I pwned a lot of turkey, got to see my girlfriend, and best friend, as well as all of my near and dear relatives. In all it was a great holiday. I have always loved how close our family is, something that always shows when we fill my Uncles House to the point of it probably being a fire hazard every Thanksgiving. This year we had 25 people. We managed to get everyone on one long table too! Though one long table is a little bit deceiving, as it was actually several that were put together.

It is so damn rainy outside. This weather is terribly depressing. Truthfully I have a soft spot for snowy weather and I would much rather it start snowing than raining.

Not a whole lot is new with me. I decided to start reading again.. well sort of. I started listening to an audiobook. It is the Novel 1984 by George Orwell. It is an American classic of sorts. I listened to several chapters tonight on my iPod at work. I love my Ipod.. It seriously has changed my life. Anyways, I'm glad to get back to reading. It is one of those things that I always feel guilty if I'm not doing it. Reading is like brain food Ive always thought. I have never been a big fiction reader though, Personally I find a lot of fiction to be rather meaningless. When I read a book I like to think I have become more cultured from it, or learned from it. Stephen King for example, I find to be an awesome writer. However his work can just as easily be accessed by his movies, that take much less time to digest. I will admit however, I have always been a big fan of the American classics. starting Junior year of Highschool I fell in Love with Ernest Hemingway, and soon devoured other authors like Steinbeck, Faulkner and, Fitzgerald. I spent many hours in class reading the classics rather than paying attention to the lectures and lessons that seemed to contain such less value. I guess that probably explains why I don't have a lot to show for Highschool. I don't regret it though.

I remember the first time I read Ernest Hemingway. It was his 2nd published Novel "The Sun Also Rises." I really struggled with the writing at first. I remember I nearly put the book down. Hemingway's writing seemed so to-the-point and dry. Amazingly though I decided to stick with it and it was good decision to. By the end of the book, I felt as if I had been to Pamplona Spain and ran with the bulls, and watched the bullfights, fished in the country streams, gotten wasted for nights at a time off wine and fabled absinthe and gained nothing but a profound sense that life for the characters was nothing more than events and entertainment. The novel was so achingly brilliant. I ate it all up after that.

Perhaps when I finish 1984 I can write a review on here about it.

We shall see though,

Thats all I got for now


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