Friday, November 16, 2007

Why politics matter

Yesterday I logged onto facebook and received a message from a high school classmate of mine. In the message he stated he was planning a "goodbye" party because in February he would be leaving for Iraq.

I of course had heard rumors about the local guard unit going over to Iraq but this actually confirmed them.

The moment I finished reading it was almost like a reality check. I'm so used to hearing about the war on the internet, and TV, but to actually know that someone I went to school with and regularly talked to will be going half way across the world to fight in the war is a crazy thought.

It makes me wonder how my mom must have felt being a high-schooler during the Vietnam War. One of her close friends was killed in the Vietnam War. It is a subject that is painful for her to talk about. It is really shocking to think that my Generation is almost mirroring the situation hers was in.

Our country is torn between Peace and Imperialism. We are conducting a war without logic or reason. We were lied to by going to Iraq in the first place and now were attempting to force an entire country to liberate itself and we have nearly ignited civil war between age old Islamic rivals.

Seeing that message reminded me why I care about Politics.

I care about politics because I don't want that classmate of mine to come back to U.S. soil in a body bag, or with lifelong injuries mental or physical.

I believe America is a great country because we have the power of change. We must use it. I see many young people my age and older who just don't think it matters but IT DOES. These may be the defining moments of our generation and we must rise to them as the generations before us did.

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