Monday, November 26, 2007

Post Thanksgiving update

So it's officially 2 days after Thanksgiving weekend as I write this, and I'm back on the blogging scene, watch out endless void that is the internet.

I suppose I should start with saying that I had a great Thanksgiving, I pwned a lot of turkey, got to see my girlfriend, and best friend, as well as all of my near and dear relatives. In all it was a great holiday. I have always loved how close our family is, something that always shows when we fill my Uncles House to the point of it probably being a fire hazard every Thanksgiving. This year we had 25 people. We managed to get everyone on one long table too! Though one long table is a little bit deceiving, as it was actually several that were put together.

It is so damn rainy outside. This weather is terribly depressing. Truthfully I have a soft spot for snowy weather and I would much rather it start snowing than raining.

Not a whole lot is new with me. I decided to start reading again.. well sort of. I started listening to an audiobook. It is the Novel 1984 by George Orwell. It is an American classic of sorts. I listened to several chapters tonight on my iPod at work. I love my Ipod.. It seriously has changed my life. Anyways, I'm glad to get back to reading. It is one of those things that I always feel guilty if I'm not doing it. Reading is like brain food Ive always thought. I have never been a big fiction reader though, Personally I find a lot of fiction to be rather meaningless. When I read a book I like to think I have become more cultured from it, or learned from it. Stephen King for example, I find to be an awesome writer. However his work can just as easily be accessed by his movies, that take much less time to digest. I will admit however, I have always been a big fan of the American classics. starting Junior year of Highschool I fell in Love with Ernest Hemingway, and soon devoured other authors like Steinbeck, Faulkner and, Fitzgerald. I spent many hours in class reading the classics rather than paying attention to the lectures and lessons that seemed to contain such less value. I guess that probably explains why I don't have a lot to show for Highschool. I don't regret it though.

I remember the first time I read Ernest Hemingway. It was his 2nd published Novel "The Sun Also Rises." I really struggled with the writing at first. I remember I nearly put the book down. Hemingway's writing seemed so to-the-point and dry. Amazingly though I decided to stick with it and it was good decision to. By the end of the book, I felt as if I had been to Pamplona Spain and ran with the bulls, and watched the bullfights, fished in the country streams, gotten wasted for nights at a time off wine and fabled absinthe and gained nothing but a profound sense that life for the characters was nothing more than events and entertainment. The novel was so achingly brilliant. I ate it all up after that.

Perhaps when I finish 1984 I can write a review on here about it.

We shall see though,

Thats all I got for now


Friday, November 16, 2007

Why politics matter

Yesterday I logged onto facebook and received a message from a high school classmate of mine. In the message he stated he was planning a "goodbye" party because in February he would be leaving for Iraq.

I of course had heard rumors about the local guard unit going over to Iraq but this actually confirmed them.

The moment I finished reading it was almost like a reality check. I'm so used to hearing about the war on the internet, and TV, but to actually know that someone I went to school with and regularly talked to will be going half way across the world to fight in the war is a crazy thought.

It makes me wonder how my mom must have felt being a high-schooler during the Vietnam War. One of her close friends was killed in the Vietnam War. It is a subject that is painful for her to talk about. It is really shocking to think that my Generation is almost mirroring the situation hers was in.

Our country is torn between Peace and Imperialism. We are conducting a war without logic or reason. We were lied to by going to Iraq in the first place and now were attempting to force an entire country to liberate itself and we have nearly ignited civil war between age old Islamic rivals.

Seeing that message reminded me why I care about Politics.

I care about politics because I don't want that classmate of mine to come back to U.S. soil in a body bag, or with lifelong injuries mental or physical.

I believe America is a great country because we have the power of change. We must use it. I see many young people my age and older who just don't think it matters but IT DOES. These may be the defining moments of our generation and we must rise to them as the generations before us did.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

When pets die

Today was a particularly rough day. Our family had to make the decision to put down one of our oldest and most beloved cats, "Stinky."Stinky had fallen deathly ill with kidney failure and the doctors gave her a slim chance of survival if they could even succeed in saving her kidneys. It would also be an expensive undertaking and she would have likely needed fluid shots constantly for the rest of her life. So today as I held her skinny and nearly lifeless body in my arms I went through the mental acceptance that it was the right thing to do to end her suffering. Thus is the difficult process all pet owners must some day face. They say the right things to do are not always the easiest. That is definitely true.

We had Stinky since she was a kitten and she was well taken care of. A few years ago she had liver problems and we were able to bring her back from near death by force feeding her but she was much younger then and we caught it earlier. Needless to say Stinky lived a long and comfortable life. If animals have souls I hope hers has found rest. . She was 12 years old, which is quite a bit in cat years I'm guessing.

That is a long time we are thankful to have had her as our pet. She was one of the best we could have asked for.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Of Redemption and Failure

Tonight the Colts lost again. Adam Vinatieri missed two field goals (1 a potiential game winner) and Peyton Manning threw an apalling 7 interceptions. The Colts started the game looking as ugly as they have ever been and yet even tough they were down by 23 with a field full of injuries they managed to claw back from the jaws of defeat and almost clenched the victory.

I think it's easy to point fingers and get angry at the Colts but honestly I have never been more proud to call myself a fan. We mounted one of the best comebacks possible. It was the same "Never Say Die" attitude that carried the Colts through the AFC Championship last year.

The list of injuries grew tonight to an even more extraordinary level as 2nd and even 3rd person backups came into play. Like a wounded giant though, they pulled together. Even players that were injured gutted through and made it clear that they would not just be plowed over. To put it simple.. they never gave up.

I know that many NFL pundits love to pick on the Colts but tonight the Colts proved case in point why they are an inspirational team.

"I believe in Blue," as the saying goes.

..and I do believe that the colts still have EVERY bit of what it takes to be the 2008 Superbowl Champs. I also believe that a truly great Football isn't team isn't measured in blowout wins and record numbers but rather the ability to win and (lose) tough games with great stride, passion and teamwork. That is athleticism at its core.

This is why that even on nights like tonight I'm still proud to be a Colts fan.

Thats my two,


Saturday, November 10, 2007

Writers Strike: Good Intentions, Bad Outcome

So the title makes the intention of this post clear. The WGA (Writers Guild of America) has been on strike since November 1st. Basically for those who haven't heard the gist of the strike is that members of the WGA, (which number in the thousands) are refusing to work because they aren't receiving any money for modern media residuals like DVD sales, and internet downloads. The Strike has caused numerous popular TV shows to shut down including my favorite TV show "The Office"

I was totally stunned when I heard about the strike. Next Thursday "The Office" will show it's final new episode and then most likely will get overtaken by re-runs. This really irks me because they had like 20 more upcoming episodes.

I feel like the writers have a valid point. New media platforms like the internet are becoming ever more viable sources of watching TV and Movies. However what really bothers me is that because the writers are on strike around 90% of the other employees that work on the TV shows are getting laid off. The writers make more money than the rest of the crew and yet they have decided to take the entire ship down with them. I just have a hard time seeing how that isn't a selfish initiative.

I also dislike how Hollywood is being utterly stupid with this situation though too. It's estimated that Hollywood makes Billions of dollars. Thats right BILLIONS of dollars off the "New Media" platforms, and yet is unwilling to share even a modicum amount of that with the people who created the content in the first place. On top of that Hollywood also believes that by just showing re-runs and reality TV they will put an end to the strike on their own terms. It's so arrogant and stupid in my opinion that Hollywood thinks that the general American public will be indefinitely satisfied by watching whatever crap they put on TV. Plus, I think it is impossible for them to win this strike. They will lose incredible sums of money when eventually the movie industry goes dead. The actors might want to work, but without professional writers to write scripts there will be no movies to act in.

For the sake of decent entertainment I hope both sides get off their collectivly selfish asses and reach an agreement. Because the way I see it right now it's a lose-lose-lose situation. The writers don't get paid, Hollywood doesn't make money, and the American public has to watch crap.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The road of life

I have a playlist on my iTunes called "Reflection Mix." It is a hodge podge of songs encompassing several genres of music. Most of the tunes are "mellow" in character. It is my playlist for the times when I simply want to "think"

The soothing jazz/blues guitar of David Gilmour is taking me to another place tonight.

The news came tonight that my mother lost the local election she was running in. She will be leaving her job of 16 years. She is devastated to leave it yet I know she maintains a spark of optimism. She has always relied on a strong belief that "Things are meant to happen." She has often told me "God never closes one door without opening another."

I do not care to call myself A Christian. Yet every part of me wants to believe what she says. I wish I had the ability to gracefully accept that which I cannot comprehend. I have seen the comfort it can bring.

I believe that life comes together as a tapestry of events woven together by all the little choices we make everyday. I think that man is mostly in control of his own destiny. We choose which path to take, yet every path is filled with chance, luck, and circumstance. It is these things that make life exciting.

I hope my mom can come to embrace the change. Lately I have been contemplating the changes I must make. In January I will go back to school. I know I have bickered about it before but my emotions have begun to slowly change lately. I'm beginning to be excited about it. I miss the mental stimulation of school. Plus, even as a person who is slow to accept change, I still know it is necessary. I remind myself of when I switched employment a year and half ago. It was scared to make the change, and it brought many challenges. Yet I now have a job that I like much better.

It is easy to find reasons to justify our situations, However hindsight is always 20/20. Perhaps the best thing we can do is just accept the choices we make and enjoy the ride on the road of life.

I think this line from Led Zeppelin's Stairway to Heaven describes my feelings better than I can

"Yes there are two paths you can go by
but in the long run
There's still time to change the road you're on"

Monday, November 5, 2007

Football: The Great American Drama

Hello All,

Sorry about my little hiatus,

My computer has been out of commission lately as I was in the process of upgrading my video card. Since I'm a PC gamer (Pause for laughter and nerd jokes) I have the wonderful pleasure of upgrading my video card more times than I change my underwear... JK JK :) But enough of this babble.

As many of you know one of the greatest match ups in Pro Football occurred Sunday as the Indianapolis Colts faced off against the New England Patriots. For those of you who don't know I'm a Colts fan. It was one of the most media hyped Football games to occur in recent memory. The Patriots were the media favorite, as they almost always have been. The won the game by a score of 24-20. Though I have my thoughts about how both teams performed, I do not intend for this post to be a rant, or even a description of the game.

As my family and I sat around the tube watching the game and eating delicious chicken quesadillas my oldest cousin asked "I don't see how people can get so into watching sports." I don't recall anyone responding to her. My girlfriend Kim often complains to me the same thought.

I think to answer that question I must first explain why I'm a Colts fan.

The first reason is simple. Ever since I was old enough to contemplate NFL Football the colts have been at least a decent team. Lets face it, Nobody wants to root for a team that sucks. It's far more interesting to watch a team that is good than a team that is bad. When I say a "good" team I don't even mean an all-star team. It just simply has to be a team that has the ability and skill to win games, and players that are interesting to watch. Of course the issue of being a "Bandwagon fan" could also be discussed here but thats another story. Becoming a fan is different than maintaining it.

The other and most important reason is because they are the Home Team. I used to like other Football teams but about 5 years ago I finally settled on the Colts as my favorite team primarily for this reason. The obvious reason to support the home team is the distance to the stadium. It's fun to watch a game in the stadium. NFL football is biggest American sporting event and fans prove that every week when they fill thousands upon thousands of seats and cheer till their throats are sore. It's awesome to experience that. The best part of rooting for the home team though for me is the sense of community I get. Football brings people together. Whether it's just a simple compliment for my Jersey at the Buffet Line, or getting together with Co-Workers to watch the game, there is something more than just the sport its self. When the Colts win I know I'm not the only person thats in a good mood. And just as they lose, I know I'm not the only person moping.

Football is an awesome sport. It is a sport that combines physical tenacity, with great skill. Unlike many other sports the Football season ends with a single game that carries more weight and bragging rights than any other sport in the U.S. It's also a long way to the top, and getting there for any team will always leave a great story.

The Game itself always leaves great stories. Stories like David Vs. Goliath, or Good Vs. Evil. It could represent the perseverance of the human spirit when a team makes a great comeback. Or the solidarity in accepting a close defeat. It is a game that can evoke so many emotions. There is no feeling like following a team all the way through the entire season to see them Win a super bowl. It's like watching a great movie, with every season game the plot evolves and deepens, and finally the movie finishes with an ending that lingers in your mind for days to come.

For these reasons I have come to love the game of Football for the Great American Drama that it is.