Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Bad Times

I had a bad night tonight.

Originally I didn't have to work. I was only scheduled 3 days this week and Wednesday wasn't one of them. I figured I would try and pick up some hours though.

I feel like such a bum when I have a lot of days off. While the prospect of sitting at home and doing nothing is a comforting thought at times my better judgment told me I should be at work making money. One of my fellow drivers was nice enough to give me her hours which I was thankful for. 5 o clock until close at midnight was my shift tonight.

My dad was happy I picked up hours. I think he likes to see me working a lot. I remember one day I delivered to Buckhorn while he was on lunch break. He seemed really excited to see me. Later that night he told me that he was really proud of me. I was perplexed and asked him why.. to which he didn't really have an answer other than that "I was workin and doing my job." That has stuck with me though. My dad works extremely hard. The hours he works seems almost nightmarish to me, especially at a job where people only temporarily last... It is a source of inspiration to me in a way. In a way, I hope that whatever I end up doing in life I can be as committed to it as dad is to working at Buckhorn.

But.. I'm straying from the topic I wanted to discuss...

As I said.. I had a bad night tonight..

I had a delivery for Sunrise way off of Dustman road in Bluffton. Sunrise way is a small street that sits next to another small street "Sunset Dr". The latter of the two is surprisingly much more of a bad area even though its in the same vicinity.

anyways, the delivery was routine at first. I slowly crept down the street eyeballing the dimly let house numbers until I arrived at the right address.

I got out of my car and began heading up to the front door when I promptly fell in a ditch.

It took me completely by surprise... Originally I thought I had fallen into a manhole or something. It was deep, watery, and very muddy.. more of a pit than a ditch. The first few seconds I was sort of in shock. My mind was adjusting to what had just happened. I was able to pull one of my feet out but the other was deeply lodged in the muck. I Pulled hard, and at first I nearly panicked feeling like I was stuck in the mud and sinking even further. The mud was already up to my thighs. By this time the people who's house it was were eyeballing me curiously from the doorway. By the time they started heading towards me I had managed to free myself from the pit. Needless to say I was covered in mud. My legs were caked and my boots felt like they weighed 10 pounds more than normal. The people thought I had fallen but quickly realized I had fallen into the mud pit in their yard. At first I still kind of in shock. I just sort of stood there sopping in muddy pants. Somehow the pizza was okay.. She quickly began to explain how upset she was about it and how it was city property that they would not properly take care of it. She explained the water had been there for 3 weeks and the city refused to do anything until the water went away. I couldn't hardly believe it.

We finished the transaction and by that time I had made a phone call to my manager who had arrived with trash bags to cover my car seat and pedal area while I got a change of clothes. I took off towards Ossian.

When I arrived at home, I undressed on the porch and went inside to put on clothes. The mud was so bad though that it had actually seeped through my pants and my legs were covered in it. So not only did I have to change clothes but I had to wash my legs too!

Tomorrow I'm going to find out if I can file and incident report or something. I missed an hour of work because of my mud bath .

And if thats not bad enough, when I finally arrived at home I bumped into dads truck when parking in front of my house. The damage is minimal I think. Just a black streak of plastic that rubbed off from dads bumper.

A perfect end to a perfectly messed up night I guess.

More to come later.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

"You don't know peace till you've had suffering."
