Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Today I awoke at 8 o clock.

I was sort of dazed, contemplating for a few brief seconds that I had just transferred from one body to another. Alas I had woken from a Nightmare. This was the second Nightmare in the last week I have had. I was dreaming that something was wrong with Kim and for some reason I could not contact her. The dream was amazingly vivid, and it was very disturbing to me. I remember little of it now that it is the afternoon. These last two Nightmares have been so strange. I can't say that the things I'm dreaming of have profound implications. These aren't the kind of dreams that I recognize as being significant to my inner emotions. In Psychology we learned that one of the ways to interpret the science of dreaming is that dreams are a way of providing a visual for the sub conscious. I think this is very true. However these dreams left me little to analyze. What I found most strange about them is the fact that I never reached a stage of lucid dreaming. For those who haven't heard the term. Lucid dreaming refers to the ability to realize while dreaming that the dream is a dream and not reality. Normally my mind does this for me but this did not occur to me in these previous two Nightmares. I think that my inability to realize that I was dreaming was the reason they were so vivid. These dreams brought back a memory from my childhood. I was perhaps 6-7.

When I was old enough to go back to the old cemetery behind our house, I jumped at every chance to go explore it. It fascinates me now just as much as it did then. The graves go as far back as the mid 1800's. Among the gravestones are several Civil War stones which have always intrigued the history buff in me. The cemetery has always been like a window to the past. Your probably wondering what this has to do with dreams though.. Read on

Soon after I started exploring the Cemetery I began having a stage in my life when my sleep would constantly be plagued by Nightmares. I regularly awoke at night my heart pounding in terror. I don't remember the content of the dreams anymore but I remember they scared my 7 year old mind greatly. I began spending most nights sleeping with my parents. I think they probably thought it was normal for a kid my age. Unfortunately the Nightmares kept getting worse. I remember clearly not wanting to fall asleep knowing I had to face more Nightmares. One day my mom told me she had purchased a relic from a Native American called a dream catcher. I remember being very agitated at the notion that she thought a stupid Indian toy would cure my Nightmares. I refused to put the object in my room for a number of weeks. The Nightmares did not stop though. Eventually I got over my stubbornness and hung the dream catcher in my room. Mom told me that the little wires in the middle would catch the bad dreams and let the good ones pass through. Amazingly after hanging the dream catcher in my room I stopped having Nightmares. The dream catcher has remained in my room ever since. I rarely have Nightmares anymore. I have contemplated removing it from my room to see if the dreams return but the dream catcher gives me a hint of comfort even now. I'm a believer of Science before Supernatural but I think there is an element of that stage of my life that cannot be explained. To this day I believe that the old cemetery might have had an effect on my dreams and may have even caused the Nightmares. Ever since that time I have believed firmly in the power of dreams. They provide a portal to the mind that in some way we never be able to fully explain.

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