Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Politics as usual.

I have really taken a long break from this. Which I apologize to not only you (my faithful viewers) but to myself for letting the animated violence of new video games, and creating a perfect iTunes playlist of all the songs from Guitar Hero III kept me from writing.

I thought I would start with a long winded introduction concerning the finer points of my Christmas and New Year, yadayada. But after a quick calender check it appears that it is January 9th. The Holidays are all but a thing of the past.

Here is whats new with me:

I start school January 15th. I'm starting off slow like I planned to with two classes. I will be going to Ivy Tech for those who don't know. I'm ready. I wouldn't say I'm excited ready... but I'm ready to make the necessary plunge. I just gotta do it.

Alright, now on to more pressing matters. Like Politics.

I'm definitely into this years primary. I would say "into" might not be a good enough word though. Perhaps "Unhealthily addicted to" would be a better phrase. Last night I sat glued to CNN as if it were political porn or something. I watched it for the better part of 3 hours.

I might as well get it out on the table. I heart Barack Obama. I have been a fan since the Democratic National Convention last year when he delivered one of the greatest political speeches in recent memory. I read his book "The Audacity of Hope," and I'm currently working on his other book "Dreams from my Father." I think he has the potential to be one of the best presidents in history.

As you may know Hillary Clinton won the primary in New Hampshire last night. The polls predicted a big win by Barack and instead it turned out to be a close second. This is pretty messed up considering the polls have been right in every other instance.

The pundits believe it's because of how she got teared up after being asked a personal question during a conference.

This has ignited quite the fire of cynicism in me. Seriously though, those tears were either fake or Hillary Clinton has a naturally different look than most people do when they are getting "teared up, or crying"

I don't see how the minds the minds of the people in New Hampshire (as fickle as the might be) actually buy that crap.

I think Hillary would make a decent president. Shes got a decent track record, shes got the right ethical ideas (for the most part) but America doesn't need a "decent" president. We NEED a GREAT President. We need a president that actually comes of as a breath of fresh air. A president that can prove that everyone can make a difference not just politicians. That president that I describe is the President Barack Obama will turn out to be.

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