Tuesday, January 15, 2008

of Politics and Race

So I heard this idea called Micro blogging. It is the concept of blogging in short, frequent posts. I kind of like the idea, so forgive me if some of the posts seem a little short, or a little rushed. Since I need to get to bed in just a few tonight will be my first admitted "Micro-Blog"

So I watched the democratic- nevada- caucus- front-runner-debate tonight on MSNBC.

I thought it was fairly bland. The majority of it was the three candidates agreeing that the Democratic party will effectively unite; and in turn "pwn" (online lingo for OWN/prove better than) the Republican party in 08.

Which hopefully will be the case. There is been 3 primaries for the GOP and 3 winners. It appears that the GOP just can't find a candidate to unite around. Ain't that a shame

My observations:

John Edwards: Dude your a good man but I can't beleive you describe your "strength" as the ability to care for the little guy, but your "weakness" is that you care "too much." I mean, I know that is a land mine of a question but that is about the lamest answer you could possibly give. My advice to you is to go out in a blaze of glory by dropping out and throwing your support behind Barack.

Hillary Clinton: You looked pretty old tonight. Unfortunately for Barack Obama though your debate performance was pretty good.

Barack (da' man) Obama: Well played. Not your best, but then again what can you do when the debate hosts only ask questions in which every candidate agrees on.

The main gripe I have about tonight is the issue of race. Hillary and Barack may have declared a truce to their bickering but it doesn't change the fact that people DO vote on race. Obama tried to tone down race all right by saying that people choose on candidate on the issues, and this is very true; however they also choose a candidate on personality, appearance, religion, sex, family life, voting record and by golly the color of skin.

It's funny how the gas station clerk in town always tries to tell me that "Obama will never get elected, this country is too prejudiced. I certainly hope he isn't right. But at the same time when I think about it, I want Obama to be elected for a myriad of reasons, one of the main ones is because he is black. I think overcoming racial barriers is a damn good thing, and it's something this country needs. At the same time I know there is probably people out there who will vote against Obama simply because he is black. I'm young, but I'm not that naive.

As much as Hillary and Obama may want to divert the issue, it doesn't change the fact that it is what it is. Obama is black, Hillary is a woman; and both are trying very hard to be the "first"

Thats my two

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