Saturday, August 23, 2008

Greetings from B-Town

Hello from B-Town everyone,

Below are a few pics of the apartment. I apologize about the blurriness of some of the pictures. My camera was struggling to take good pictures today... either that or I'm simply bad at operating it. Either way this will give you a little taste of our humble abode. We are mostly moved in now. It was extremely hot today and yesterday and between moving all of our things in, getting all the appliances to work, and running errands to buy essentials or items we forgot, we are pretty tired. Last night we both slept pretty well and look to do the same tonight. So far things are going pretty well around here. Other than a major shouting match between the neighbors catty-corner to us we haven't had any distractions and the place seems pretty cozy. It's hard to believe that I'm really living here though! It still seems kinda like the first day or two in a hotel room, there is still such a foreign feel to it. However the place is begenning to look more and more homey and most of the major projects are done at least for me! Kim still wants to paint her. I'm not super homesick. I got to see my cousin, and my aunt and uncle today which was nice. It's good knowing that family isn't far away. I think once my classes start and I get more used to the apartment and my surroundings this place will feel more like "home". I hope everyone is doing well and I will try to update this blog as frequently as I can.

Heres to my first year away from home


Marissa said...

The first year away is exciting and scary--and frustrating, as you begin to realize just how un-fun it is to spend your money on things like toilet paper, laundry detergent, and electricity. Welcome to the "High Life of Living On Your Own" (subtitled, "How I Learned to Prepare Ramen 286 Different Ways Each In Less Than 2 Minutes, And Darn It, How Can We Possibly Be Out of Kleenex and Coffee Filters Already?") ;-)

Unknown said...

Thanks Sam! It was good seeing your apartment. It looks nice. We have to see in 3 months what it looks like, if its nice and clean. Hahaha.
