Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Sam VS the Internet Woes

Hey everyone,

Just thought I would let you know how I'm doing. I'm begenning to feel more settled here in Bloomington. My classes started yesterday.

Im taking Creative Writing, Introduction to Political Science, Math 044, and American History II.

My history class doesn't start until Friday but I have got my first taste of my other three. I'm looking forward to my Creative Writing and Political Science. It's been awhile since I have done some good creative writing and I'm really exciting about writing again. It's always been on my mind as a major and maybe this class will get me some more taste of that field of study.

Also I think it will be exciting to take political science during this election season. My last political science class which I took senior year of high school was rather bland because of there wasn't really a lot going on in the world of politics.

The apartment is nice. The only annoyance so far has been the internet-- and it was a rather bad one. For some reason the last two days our internet was lagging badly and it made web surfing irritating and online games impossible. Thankfully I was able to get a hold of the company that runs our broadband lines and it appears (Fingers crossed) that they fixed it. My Uncle thought it might be because of excessive bandwidth usage in our apartment complex but the lag issue was prevalent literally every hour of the day!

This problem was so irritating to me... maybe to an extent--- a little more so than it should have been. However this was the first time it really hit me that I was on my own. Back home I would have been able to get my parents or my uncle to help with me but here I'm on my own to deal with technical issues-- and really ALL issues for that matter.

So begins my journey of living on my own :-)


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