Thursday, July 29, 2010

The tune has changed

Today I logged another couple miles with my Dad

It was a nice relatively cool evening and there were a number of other people out enjoying the Ossian park trail.

As usual my Dad said Hello to every single one of them, except it so happened that every person we saw had headphones in their ears.

After a non-response from the second person with headphones in my Dad said something disgruntled about ipods and how he doesn't like them.

"Well Dad you know I run with an iPod if I'm not running with you" I responded..
"I know you do" he said back in a defeated tone.

It's a conversation we've had before...

It's centered around the idea that the current generation of technology has caused park-goers to become incredibly disconnected from the friendly "Hello's, and "how are you's" that my Dad believes are part of the way people should act.

In fact he once suggested that people should yell to people in front of them on the trails if they are approaching so that one person doesn't run into another.

I of course thought this idea was laughable considering the sheer number of people with headphones, as well as the fact that if everyone on foot stays in the same side of the track there should be no issues.

My Dad of course refused to see it that way, instead he thought it was just people "generally not giving a shit like they used to".

Interestingly it also brings up another point that technology has become much different than it used to.

"You know Dad, if you had iPods when you were younger you would have loved them too" I suggested

"I know it....we just never had anything that portable" He said again sounding slightly defeated.

Right after I said that we passed another person with headphones, this guy looked like he was around my Dad's age.

"See Dad, even that guy has an iPod" I said

"I bet if we got you an iPod and put some of your favorite music on it you would love it....I bet your mile times would increase quite a bit" I joked.

Dad then talked about some music he would like to put on an ipod, and agreed he would probably end up running faster.

I can't help but wonder what it will be like for me when I'm my Dad's age. Maybe ill look at the technology of tomorrow and think people are "missing the point" somehow.

I guess I'll have to get back to you on that one


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