Sunday, August 31, 2008

First one down

I have officially been living in Bloomington for 1 week and 3 days now. For the most part it is begenning to feel more normal.

I completed my first week of classes and I feel good about going to Ivy Tech here. It doesn't feel that much different than Ft Wayne. There is more people and I never actually had any classes at the main campus in Ft. Wayne as opposed to the 3 classes I have at the main campus here.

I love the culture here. Liberalism is not just a political stance here it is a lifestyle.

Kim and I watched the Democratic National Convention with my aunt and uncle here and talked a great deal of politics. It's so interesting the stark differences between Ossian and here. My aunt and Uncle were utterly shocked at how "Conservative" our high school was about teaching Darwin's theory of Evolultion, and sex education. I always just took this for granted than Norwell was like any public high school.

I'm still trying to maintain my healthier lifestyle here. Eating healthy isn't to hard. Kim and I buy generally only healthy things from the grocery store. Convienantly we have a Marsh right across the street from us and we both have Marsh cards which have already saved us quite a bit of cash.

I'm still working out too. Trying to play tennis or jog at least every other day. We have a great trail for jogging fairly close to our house. We walked there the other day but it was too long for an enjoyable walk.

Hope everyone is well,


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Sam VS the Internet Woes

Hey everyone,

Just thought I would let you know how I'm doing. I'm begenning to feel more settled here in Bloomington. My classes started yesterday.

Im taking Creative Writing, Introduction to Political Science, Math 044, and American History II.

My history class doesn't start until Friday but I have got my first taste of my other three. I'm looking forward to my Creative Writing and Political Science. It's been awhile since I have done some good creative writing and I'm really exciting about writing again. It's always been on my mind as a major and maybe this class will get me some more taste of that field of study.

Also I think it will be exciting to take political science during this election season. My last political science class which I took senior year of high school was rather bland because of there wasn't really a lot going on in the world of politics.

The apartment is nice. The only annoyance so far has been the internet-- and it was a rather bad one. For some reason the last two days our internet was lagging badly and it made web surfing irritating and online games impossible. Thankfully I was able to get a hold of the company that runs our broadband lines and it appears (Fingers crossed) that they fixed it. My Uncle thought it might be because of excessive bandwidth usage in our apartment complex but the lag issue was prevalent literally every hour of the day!

This problem was so irritating to me... maybe to an extent--- a little more so than it should have been. However this was the first time it really hit me that I was on my own. Back home I would have been able to get my parents or my uncle to help with me but here I'm on my own to deal with technical issues-- and really ALL issues for that matter.

So begins my journey of living on my own :-)


Saturday, August 23, 2008

Greetings from B-Town

Hello from B-Town everyone,

Below are a few pics of the apartment. I apologize about the blurriness of some of the pictures. My camera was struggling to take good pictures today... either that or I'm simply bad at operating it. Either way this will give you a little taste of our humble abode. We are mostly moved in now. It was extremely hot today and yesterday and between moving all of our things in, getting all the appliances to work, and running errands to buy essentials or items we forgot, we are pretty tired. Last night we both slept pretty well and look to do the same tonight. So far things are going pretty well around here. Other than a major shouting match between the neighbors catty-corner to us we haven't had any distractions and the place seems pretty cozy. It's hard to believe that I'm really living here though! It still seems kinda like the first day or two in a hotel room, there is still such a foreign feel to it. However the place is begenning to look more and more homey and most of the major projects are done at least for me! Kim still wants to paint her. I'm not super homesick. I got to see my cousin, and my aunt and uncle today which was nice. It's good knowing that family isn't far away. I think once my classes start and I get more used to the apartment and my surroundings this place will feel more like "home". I hope everyone is doing well and I will try to update this blog as frequently as I can.

Heres to my first year away from home