Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentines Day...

It’s funny really… valentines day that is. It’s funny how it is made out to be this glorious and magical holiday where loved ones let other loved ones know how much they care by fabricated pink glory and indulgences of whatever is fitting.

On the other side of the holiday: the V-day underground there are those single people who sit at home and revel in the novelty of being single.. Or the pain of solitude.

I suppose I fit more into the first category. It’s not that Kim and I went all out… but we definitely went a traditional route.. A planned outing to Oliver winery for some wine and chocolate, and then to a cozy Turkish restaurant. A few thoughtful gifts later and the night was done.

She retired to homework and APO planning… and I to my xbox. That was all cupid wrote this year.

Not that I was expecting anything else… no magical revelations or silver screen esque romance.

And yet for a time I sat in front of my screen, listening to music and trying to wrap my head around why I felt a little down about things.

Then the simplicity of it all hit me. Romance is not something that can be forced. It’s not a mandate. The oddity of it and the agony too, is that it finds you.

Tonight was nothing more than a normal date really, I mean sure the gifts and the wine tasting was different, but at no point did I feel saturated with love that only Valentines Day could bring out.

I thought about my friend who’s definitely feeling a bit lonely right now though he won’t admit it. He’s been desperately trying to find himself a girlfriend.

I try to be supportive to him but I realized the maybe the cold reality about romance is that you just have to open to it and let it find you.

Valentines day isn’t going to magically make relationships form. Most successful relationships that I know of came about when people weren’t specifically looking for a relationship. They’re done through the simple networking of everyday life.

I think that is a simple concept to grasp, and probably even clique but then it comes back to Valentines Day. It’s like, even you don’t get wrapped up in the absurdity of it all, I refuse to believe that every single person doesn’t sit back a take stock of their love life, and the validity of relationships, and romance, and for single people trying to find that perfect partner.

And to that I say screw valentines day, because when you really break it down, it’s just a holiday dedicated to looking at love in all the wrong ways.

But hey, that’s just my two,