Saturday, February 9, 2008

February Stars

I apologize for the hiatus, I can't say I've been in too much of the mood to write lately. The creative energy just hasn't been there I guess.

However as I sit down tonight with a hot mug of Lipton's bedtime story tea and the music of Dave Brubeck playing softly I find my mind wandering and forming the thoughts required for a blog post.

As many know, I started school again. I'm officially a freshmen at Ivy Tech Community College Ft. Wayne. I was pleasantly surprised at how well the transition went. I was struggling with quite a bit of apprehension going into it. However college class isn't too much different from high school. It's a lot better though in the fact that students are actually treated like adults.

It's funny, in High School teachers always preached about treating us like adults but in one way or another they rarely actually did. Attendance was mandatory, homework was mandatory, and one had to raise their hand to use the bathroom. It was impossible not to feel trapped in a dungeon at times. Not to say that we didn't find ways to escape the reality of force fed education.
I like to think that I thrived in the classes that allowed the most freedom. For instance, Yearbook class. That was a class regarded by almost the entire student body as a pure "blow-off" class. Yet I used my time in their to transform the school's laughing-stock of a newspaper into a halfway decent and consistently read newspaper. I guess I have always been so strongly against the grain when it comes to education though. K-12 schooling is all about numbers, statistics, and grades. When it came to learning I found only a handful of classes that really allowed students to learn for the benefit of mind and soul rather than grades. I like to think that my creative writing class junior year really improved my writing ability. Not only that, but it allowed me to embrace my writing, to trust that what I had to say was important even if it was only important to myself. Sure there were grades in that class but mainly for just turning in work. I don't think I ever embraced a class so much. Even to this day I think the writing I produced in that class really pushed me as a writer and the result was some of the best quality writing I have ever created...... by the way Mrs. J if you ever read are the best!

Anyways, in a nutshell college is pretty cool. I like the atmosphere, the freedom, and the really diverse mix of people in all my classes.

Yeah I would say, I'm content with life right now.

-To be continued.